Module amplify::confinement

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Confinement puts a constrain on the number of elements within a collection.


Helper macro to construct confined BTreeMap of a given type
Helper macro to construct confined BTreeSet of a given type
Helper macro to construct confined HashMap of a given type
Helper macro to construct confined HashSet of a given type
Helper macro to construct confined vector of a given type
Helper macro to construct confined BTreeMap of a SmallOrdMap type
Helper macro to construct confined BTreeSet of a SmallOrdSet type
Helper macro to construct confined HashMap of a SmallHashMap type
Helper macro to construct confined string of a SmallString type
Helper macro to construct confined HashSet of a SmallHashSet type
Helper macro to construct confined vector of a SmallVec type
Helper macro to construct confined BTreeMap of a TinyOrdMap type
Helper macro to construct confined BTreeSet of a TinyOrdSet type
Helper macro to construct confined HashMap of a TinyHashMap type
Helper macro to construct confined string of a TinyString type
Helper macro to construct confined HashSet of a TinyHashSet type
Helper macro to construct confined vector of a TinyVec type


The confinement for the collection.


Errors generated by constructing confined AsciiString from str.
Errors when confinement constraints were not met.


Constant for a minimal size of a confined collection.
Constant for a maximal size of a confined collection equal to u8::MAX.
Constant for a maximal size of a confined collection equal to u16::MAX.
Constant for a maximal size of a confined collection equal to u24::MAX.
Constant for a maximal size of a confined collection equal to u32::MAX.
Constant for a maximal size of a confined collection equal to u64::MAX.
Constant for a minimal size of a confined collection.


Trait implemented by a collection types which need to support collection confinement.
Trait implemented by key-value maps which need to support collection confinement.

Type Definitions

AsciiString with maximum 2^32-1 characters.
Vec<u8> with maximum 2^32-1 characters.
VecDeque with maximum 2^32-1 items of type T.
HashMap with maximum 2^32-1 items.
HashSet with maximum 2^32-1 items of type T.
BTreeMap with maximum 2^32-1 items.
BTreeSet with maximum 2^32-1 items of type T.
String with maximum 2^32-1 characters.
Vec with maximum 2^32-1 items of type T.
AsciiString with maximum 2^24-1 characters.
Vec<u8> with maximum 2^24-1 characters.
VecDeque with maximum 2^24-1 items of type T.
HashMap with maximum 2^24-1 items.
HashSet with maximum 2^24-1 items of type T.
BTreeMap with maximum 2^24-1 items.
BTreeSet with maximum 2^24-1 items of type T.
String with maximum 2^24-1 characters.
Vec with maximum 2^24-1 items of type T.
AsciiString which contains at least a single character.
Vec<u8> which contains at least a single character.
VecDeque which contains at least a single item.
HashMap which contains at least a single item.
HashSet which contains at least a single item.
BTreeMap which contains at least a single item.
BTreeSet which contains at least a single item.
String which contains at least a single character.
Vec which contains at least a single item.
AsciiString with maximum 2^16-1 characters.
Vec<u8> with maximum 2^16-1 characters.
VecDeque with maximum 2^16-1 items of type T.
HashMap with maximum 2^16-1 items.
HashSet with maximum 2^16-1 items of type T.
BTreeMap with maximum 2^16-1 items.
BTreeSet with maximum 2^16-1 items of type T.
String with maximum 2^16-1 characters.
Vec with maximum 2^16-1 items of type T.
AsciiString with maximum 255 characters.
Vec<u8> with maximum 255 characters.
VecDeque with maximum 255 items of type T.
HashMap with maximum 255 items.
HashSet with maximum 255 items of type T.
BTreeMap with maximum 255 items.
BTreeSet with maximum 255 items of type T.
String with maximum 255 characters.
Vec with maximum 255 items of type T.