Derive Macro amplify::Getters

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    // Attributes available to this derive:
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Derives getter methods for structures. The return type and naming of the methods depends on the provided attribute arguments.

Attribute #[getter(...)]

Macro is provided with #[getter] attribute, which may be used on both type and field level. See following sections describing its arguments


Method derivation arguments

Method derivation arguments define which forms of methods should be derived. Applicable both at the type level, where it defines a set of derived methods for all fields (unless they are overrided on the field level) – or on the field level, where it overrides/replaces the default set of methods with a new one.

Attribute takes a list of arguments in form of verbatim literals:

  • as_copy: derives methods returning copy of the field value. Will error at compile time on types which does not implement Copy
  • as_clone: derives methods returning cloned value; will conflict with as_copy. Errors at compile time on types which does not implement Clone.
  • as_ref: derives method returning reference. If provided together with either as_copy or as_clone, method name returning reference is suffixed with _ref; otherwise the base name is used (see below)
  • as_mut: derives method returning mutable reference. Method name is suffixed with _mut
  • all: equivalent to as_clone, as_ref, as_mut

Can be used: at type and field level

Defaults to: as_ref


Skips derivation of a all gettter methods for this field

#[getter(prefix = "...")]

Defines prefix added to all derived getter method names.

Defaults to: none (no prefix added)

Can be used: at type level

#[getter(base_name = "...")]

Defines base name for the getter method. Base name is prefixed with prefix from a type-level getter prefix attribute (if the one is specified) and suffix, which is method-specific (see methods argument description above).

Defaults to: field name

Can be used: at field level


Enums and units are not supported; attempt to derive Getters on them will result in a compile-time error.

Deriving getters on unit structs and structs with unnamed fields (tupe structs) is not supported (since it’s meaningless), and results in a error.

Additionally to these two cases, macro errors on argument inconsistencies, as described in the argument-specific sections.


Basic use:

#[derive(Getters, Default)]
struct One {
    vec: Vec<u8>,
    defaults: String,
    pub flag: bool,
    pub(self) field: u8,

let mut one = One::default();
assert_eq!(one.vec(), &Vec::<u8>::default());
assert_eq!(one.defaults(), "");
assert_eq!(one.flag(), false);
assert_eq!(one.field(), 0);

Important, that field-level arguments to override struct-level arguments:

#[derive(Getters, Default)]
struct Other {
    vec: Vec<u8>,
    defaults: String,
    pub flag: bool,
    pub(self) field: u8,

let mut other = Other::default();
assert_eq!(other.vec(), &Vec::<u8>::default());
assert_eq!(other.defaults(), String::from(""));

Advanced use: please pay attention that as_mut on a struct level is not removed by the use of as_copy at field level.

#[derive(Getters, Default)]
#[getter(as_mut, prefix = "get_")]
struct One {
    /// Contains byte representation of the data
    #[getter(all, base_name = "bytes")]
    vec: Vec<u8>,

    defaults: String,

    pub flag: bool,

    pub(self) field: u8,

let mut one = One::default();
assert_eq!(one.get_bytes_ref(), &Vec::<u8>::default());
*one.get_bytes_mut() = vec![0, 1, 2];
assert_eq!(one.get_defaults(), "");
assert_eq!(one.get_defaults_mut(), "");
assert_eq!(one.get_bytes(), vec![0, 1, 2]);
assert_eq!(one.get_flag(), bool::default());
assert_eq!(one.get_flag_mut(), &mut bool::default());
let flag = one.get_flag_mut();
*flag = true;
assert_eq!(one.get_flag(), true);
assert_eq!(one.flag, one.get_flag());
// method does not exist: assert_eq!(one.get_field(), u8::default());

this will end up in the following generated code:

impl One {
    #[doc = "Method cloning [`One::vec`] field.\n"]
    #[doc = " Contains byte representation of the data"]
    pub fn get_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {

    #[doc = "Method borrowing [`One::vec`] field.\n"]
    #[doc = " Contains byte representation of the data"]
    pub fn get_bytes_ref(&self) -> &Vec<u8> {

    #[doc = "Method returning mutable borrow of [`One::vec`] field.\n"]
    #[doc = " Contains byte representation of the data"]
    pub fn get_bytes_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<u8> {
        &mut self.vec

    #[doc = "Method returning copy of [`One::flag`] field.\n"]
    pub fn get_flag(&self) -> bool {

    #[doc = "Method returning mutable borrow of [`One::flag`] field.\n"]
    pub fn get_flag_mut(&mut self) -> &mut bool {
        &mut self.flag