Expand description

Element is a React-inspired virtual tree library for the Ambient runtime.

It is backed by the Ambient ECS; the virtual tree is converted into a real tree of entities and components. When the tree is updated, it is compared to the previous tree, and only the differences are applied to the ECS. This can be used for UI, as well as any other tree-like data structure that you want to be able to update efficiently.


By convention, most ElementComponents define an el method that returns an Element of that type. This el takes the properties to make it easy to both construct the component and instantiate it as an Element.

In addition to this, ElementComponentExt adds an el method to all ElementComponents that converts them to an Element.

This means that an ElementComponent that looks like this

fn MyComponent(hooks: &mut Hooks, a: u32, b: String) -> Element {
   // ...

can be instantiated as an Element using either of these methods:

MyComponent { a: 42, b: "hello".to_string() }.el()


MyComponent::el(42, "hello".to_string())

Passing data in

To pass data into the root of an Element tree, pass the data into its properties when constructing it and/or update the root of the tree using ElementTree::migrate_root.

To receive data from an Element tree, we recommend you use messaging. This includes sending messages to the server and/or standard messaging channels in Rust (e.g. std::sync::mpsc::channel). We do not generally recommend trying to send data out of the tree directly, as this can be difficult to reason about.


  • Shorthand for let x = x.to_owned();




Type Definitions

  • The return type of a function passed to Hooks::use_spawn. This function is called when the Element is unmounted/despawned; use it to clean up any resources.
  • Helper type for a callback that sets some value.

Attribute Macros

  • Helper macro to implement a ElementComponent with a pure free function.