Macro alumina::tag[][src]

macro_rules! tag {
    (@parse $v:expr) => { ... };
    ( $($x:expr),* ) => { ... };

NodeTag / OpTag constructor for nodes and operations

Returns a value of the type Vec<NodeTag> or Vec<OpTag>, relying on inference from surrounding code.

Three or four types of values can be entered as a list into the macro, with the following conversions taking place:

Value Output
Parameter => NodeTag::Parameter`
5 => NodeTag::Int(5)`
"input" => NodeTag::Str("input".to_string())`
id_binding => NodeTag::Id(id_binding)`

All of these conversions are also possible for OpTag with the exception of Parameter values


extern crate alumina;
use alumina::id::NodeTag;

fn main() {
    let s1: Vec<NodeTag> = tag![Parameter, 5, "input"];
    let s2: Vec<NodeTag> = vec![NodeTag::Parameter, NodeTag::Int(5), NodeTag::Str("input".to_string())];
    assert_eq!(s1, s2);