Macro alumina::shape[][src]

macro_rules! shape {
    (@parse $x:expr) => { ... };
    [ $($x:expr),+ ] => { ... };

NodeShape constructor.

Returns a value of the type NodeShape

Three types of values can be entered as a list into the macro, with the following conversions taking place:

Value Output
Unknown => NodeDim::Unknown`
5 => NodeDim::Known(5)`
(4, 7) => NodeDim::Interval{lower:4, upper:7}`


extern crate alumina;
use alumina::shape::{NodeDim, NodeShape};

fn main() {
    let s1: NodeShape = shape![Unknown, 5, (3, 9), 7];
    let s2: NodeShape = NodeShape::from(&[NodeDim::Unknown, NodeDim::Known(5), NodeDim::Interval{lower:3, upper:9}, NodeDim::Known(7)]);
    assert_eq!(s1, s2);