Module alsa::hctl

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HCtl API - for mixer control and jack detection


Print all jacks and their status

for a in ::alsa::card::Iter::new().map(|x| x.unwrap()) {
    use std::ffi::CString;
    use alsa::hctl::HCtl;
    let h = HCtl::open(&CString::new(format!("hw:{}", a.get_index())).unwrap(), false).unwrap();
    for b in h.elem_iter() {
        use alsa::ctl::ElemIface;
        let id = b.get_id().unwrap();
        if id.get_interface() != ElemIface::Card { continue; }
        let name = id.get_name().unwrap();
        if !name.ends_with(" Jack") { continue; }
        if name.ends_with(" Phantom Jack") {
            println!("{} is always present", &name[])
        else { println!("{} is {}", &name[],
            if { "plugged in" } else { "unplugged" })
