Module alpm_sys::_alpm_transflag_t[][src]


Use ALPM_PKG_REASON_DEPEND when installing packages.

Use ALPM_PKG_REASON_EXPLICIT when installing packages.

Remove also any packages depending on a package being removed.

Modify database but do not commit changes to the filesystem.

Only download packages and do not actually install.

Do not install a package if it is already installed and up to date.

Ignore dependency conflicts.

Ignore dependency checks.

Ignore version numbers when checking dependencies.

Do not lock the database during the operation.

Delete files even if they are tagged as backup.

Do not execute install scriptlets after installing.

Remove packages and their unneeded deps (not explicitly installed).

Remove also explicitly installed unneeded deps (use with ALPM_TRANS_FLAG_RECURSE).

Do not remove a package if it is needed by another one.

Type Definitions

Transaction flags