Expand description
This crate implements the Javascript/JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) standards, including:
- JSON Web Signature (JWS): RFC7515
- JSON Web Key (JWK): RFC7517
- JSON Web Algorithms (JWA): RFC7518
- JSON Web Token (JWT): RFC7519
JSON Web Encryption (JWE), RFC7516, is not yet supported.
use aliri_base64::Base64UrlRef;
use aliri::{jwa, jwk, jws, jwt, jwt::CoreHeaders, Jwk, JwtRef};
use regex::Regex;
use aliri::jwt::HasAlgorithm;
let token = JwtRef::from_str(concat!(
let secret = Base64UrlRef::from_slice(b"test").to_owned();
let key = Jwk::from(jwa::Hmac::new(secret))
.with_key_id(jwk::KeyId::from_static("test key"));
let mut keys = aliri::Jwks::default();
let validator = jwt::CoreValidator::default()
let decomposed: jwt::Decomposed = token.decompose().unwrap();
let key_ref = keys.get_key_by_id(decomposed.kid().unwrap(), decomposed.alg()).unwrap();
let data: jwt::Validated = token.verify(key_ref, &validator)
.expect("JWT was invalid");
Inspect this token at jwt.io and verify with the shared secret test
- Common errors
- Implementations of the JSON Web Algorithms (JWA) standard
- Implementations of the JSON Web Keys (JWK) standard
- Implementations of the JSON Web Signature (JWS) standard
- Implementations of the JSON Web Tokens (JWT) standard
- An identified JSON Web Key
- A JSON Web Key Set (JWKS)
- A JSON Web Token
- A borrowed reference to a JSON Web Token (