Module alfred_rs::updater [] [src]

Helper for enabling Alfred workflows to upgrade themselves periodically (Alfred 3)

Enable this feature by adding it to your Cargo.toml:

alfred_rs = { version = "0.2", features = ["updater"] }

Using this module, the workflow author can make Alfred check for latest releases from a remote server within adjustable intervals (try_update_ready() or update_ready()) (default is 24 hrs).

Additionally they can ask Alfred to download the new release to its cache folder for further action download_latest().

For convenience, an associated method Updater::gh() is available to check for workflows hosted on

However, it's possible to check with other servers as long as the Releaser trait is implemented for the desired remote service. See Updater::new() documentation if you are hosting your workflow on a non service.

The hosted repository should have release items following github's process. This can be done by tagging a commit and then manually building a release where you attach/upload YourWorkflow.alfredworkflow to the release page.

The tag should follow all of the semantic versioning rules. The only exception to those rules is that you can prepend your semantic version tag with ASCII letter v: v0.3.1 or 0.3.1

You can easily create YourWorkflow.alfredworkflow file by using the export feature of Alfred in its preferences window.

Note to workflow authors

  • Depending on network quality, checking if an update is available may take a long time. This module may spawn a worker thread so that the check does not block the main flow of your plugin. However given the limitations of Alfred's plugin architecture, the worker thread cannot outlive your plugin's executable. This means that you either have to wait/block for the worker thread, or if it is taking longer than a desirable time, you will have to abandon it. See the example for more details.
  • Workflow authors should make sure that released workflow bundles have their version set in Alfred's preferences window. However, this module provides set_version() to set the version during runtime.


Create an updater for a workflow hosted on By default, it will check for new releases every 24 hours. To change the interval, use set_interval() method.

extern crate alfred;

// This crate
extern crate alfred_rs;

use alfred::{Item, ItemBuilder, json};
use alfred_rs::Updater;

// Our workflow's main 'runner' function
fn run<'a>() -> Result<Vec<Item<'a>>, Error> {
    let updater = Updater::gh("spamwax/alfred-pinboard-rs")?;

    // Start the process for getting latest release info
    updater.init().expect("cannot initialize updater");

    // We'll do some other work that's related to our workflow:
    let mut items: Vec<Item> = produce_items_for_user_to_see();

    // We can now check if update is ready using two methods:
    // 1- Block and wait until we receive results from worker thread
    //    It's a good practice to only wait for worker for a limited time so
    //    our workflow doesn't become unresponsive (not shown here)
    let update_status = updater.update_ready();

    // 2- Or without blocking, check if the worker thread sent the results.
    //    If the worker thread is still busy, we'll get an `Err`
    let update_status = updater.try_update_ready();

    if let Ok(is_ready) = update_status { // Comm. with worker was successful
        // Check for new update and add an item to 'items'
        if is_ready {
            let update_item = ItemBuilder::new(
                "New version is available!"
            // Add a new item to previous list of Items
    } else {
        /* worker thread wasn't successful */

fn main() {
    // Fetch the items and show them.
    if let Ok(ref items) = run() {
        json::write_items(io::stdout(), items);

An issue with above example can be when user is on a poor network or server is unresponsive. In this case, the above snippet will try to call server every time workflow is invoked by Alfred until the operation succeeds.



Struct to handle checking and finding release files from


Struct to check for & download the latest release of workflow from a remote server.



Default update interval duration (24 hrs)



An interface for checking with remote servers to identify the latest release for an Alfred workflow.