Crate alexa_verifier

Expand description

Verify that incoming requests are from Alexa for custom, webservice skills.


Both sync and async clients are provided by default. These are behind feature flags sync or async, respectively.

  • sync provides RequestVerifier client
  • async provides RequestVerifierAsync client


Example using Rouille server and alexa_sdk for request deserialization

use crate::skill::process_request; // Entry point to custom skill
use alexa_verifier::RequestVerifier; // Struct provided by this crate
use log::{debug, error, info};
use rouille::{router, Request, Response};
use std::io::Read;

fn note_routes(request: &Request, verifier: &RequestVerifier) -> Response {
        (POST) (/) => {
            info!("Request received...");

            // Get request body data
            let mut body =;
            let mut body_bytes: Vec<u8> = vec![];
            body.read_to_end(&mut body_bytes).unwrap();

            // Get needed headers, default to blank (will cause verification to fail)
            let signature_cert_chain_url = request.header("SignatureCertChainUrl").unwrap_or("");
            let signature = request.header("Signature").unwrap_or("");

            // Deserialize using alexa_sdk::Request
            let _request = serde_json::from_slice::<alexa_sdk::Request>(&body_bytes);
            if let Err(e) = _request {
                error!("Could not deserialize request");
                error!("{:?}", e);
                let response = Response::empty_400();
                info!("Sending back response...");
                debug!("{:?}", response);
                return response;
            let request = _request.unwrap();
            debug!("{:?}", request);

            // alexa-verifier used here, return 400 if verification fails
            if verifier
                ).is_err() {
                    error!("Could not validate request came from Alexa");
                    let response = Response::empty_400();
                    info!("Sending back response...");
                    debug!("{:?}", response);
                    return response;
            debug!("Request is validated...");

            // Entry point custom to skill, returning alexa_sdk::Response
            let response = Response::json(&process_request(request));
            info!("Sending back response...");
            debug!("{:?}", response);
        _ => Response::empty_404()

pub fn run() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    info!("Starting server on");
    let verifier = RequestVerifier::new();

    rouille::start_server("", move |request| {
        note_routes(&request, &verifier)


  • Exposes verify method and caches new certificates synchronously on the first request
  • Exposes verify method and caches new certificates asynchronously on the first request