Expand description
aiven-rs is a rust-sdk to interact with aiven.io
§Getting started
// use aiven_rs;
async fn main()-> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>{
let client = aiven_rs::AivenClient::new("https://api.aiven.io", "v1");
// If creating an API to interact with resources which require authentication
// let client = aiven_rs::AivenClient::from_token("https://api.aiven.io", "v1", "aiven-token");
let cloud_api = client.cloud();
let resp = cloud_api.list_all().await?;
for cloud in &resp.clouds{
println!("{:?}", cloud.cloud_name);
- Make a http request by providing a json-body
- Make a http request without json body.