initSidebarItems({"enum":[["GPIODirection","GPIO Direction"],["GPIOPin","Choice of GPIO pin"],["GPIOPort","Choice of GPIO port"]],"fn":[["exit","Deinitialise the Airspy library. Call once at application end."],["init","Initialise the Airspy library. Call once at application startup."],["lib_version","Fetch the current version of libairspy C library."]],"struct":[["Airspy","Store a reference to an opened Airspy device."],["FFIError","Error type for libairspy functions."],["LibVersion","Hold major, minor and revision version numbers of libairspy C library."],["PartID","Hold an Airspy's part ID and serial number."]],"trait":[["SampleType","Trait for all allowable sample types"]],"type":[["IQ","Represent IQ data, either f32 or i16"],["Real","Represent real-only data, either f32 or i16 or u16"],["Result","Result type for libairspy functions."]]});