
  • Describes result of applying functor apply to streams.
  • The type Canon trace CID refers to.
  • Contains ids of element that were on a stream at the moment of an appropriate canon call.
  • Stores CID to Value corresponance.
  • Let’s consider an example of trace that could be produces by the following fold: (fold $stream v (call 1) (call 2) (next v) (call 3) (call 4) )
  • The AIR interpreter could be considered as a function f(prev_data: InterpreterData, current_data: InterpreterData, … ) -> (result_data: InterpreterData, …). This function receives prev and current data and produces a result data. All these data have the following format.
  • Descriptor of a subtrace inside execution trace.



Type Definitions

  • This type represents all information in an execution trace about states executed during a fold execution.
  • Mapping from a stream name to it’s generation count. Similar to pi-calculus non-restricted names/channels.
  • Mapping from a stream name to position of a new instruction in a script that creates a scope for a stream to vector where each position represents a corresponding iteration.