[][src]Macro agnes::table

macro_rules! table {
    ($($label:ty = [$($value:expr),*];)*) => { ... };

Creates a data table with supplied data.

table handles creating the underlying DataStore to store the data, and returns a DataView.

This macro should be called with a semi-colon separated list of '<label> = [<comma-separated list of data];' field data definitions. Each field should have the same number of data entries.


In this usage, we are creating a data table for the employee table, as defined with the tablespace macro. We add 7 data points to each of the EmpId, DeptId, and EmpName fields:

    pub table employee {
        EmpId: u64,
        DeptId: u64,
        EmpName: String,
fn main() {
    let emp_table = table![
        employee::EmpId = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
        employee::DeptId = [0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1];
        employee::EmpName =
            ["Astrid", "Bob", "Calvin", "Deborah", "Eliza", "Franklin", "Gunther"];
    assert_eq!((emp_table.nrows(), emp_table.nfields()), (7, 3));
    println!("{}", emp_table);

This will produce the output:

 EmpId | DeptId | EmpName
 0     | 0      | Astrid
 1     | 2      | Bob
 2     | 1      | Calvin
 3     | 1      | Deborah
 4     | 1      | Eliza
 5     | 0      | Franklin
 6     | 1      | Gunther