Module agera::common

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Common items in Rust programs.

use agera::common::*;



  • Create a BTreeMap from a list of key-value pairs
  • Create a BTreeSet from a list of elements.
  • The main macro provided by this crate. See crate documentation for more information.
  • Create a HashMap from a list of key-value pairs
  • Create a HashSet from a list of elements.
  • Return an instance of once_cell::sync::Lazy<regex::Regex> or once_cell::sync::Lazy<regex::bytes::Regex> that you can use in a public static declaration.
  • Return a lazy static Regex checked at compilation time and built at first use.
  • Extract captured groups as a tuple of &str.
  • Extract the leftmost match of the regex in the second argument, as a &str, or a &[u8] if the B flag is set.
  • Test whether an expression matches a lazy static regular expression (the regex is checked at compile time)
  • Replaces the leftmost match in the second argument using the replacer given as third argument.
  • Replaces all non-overlapping matches in the second argument using the replacer given as third argument.
  • Initializes a structure without specifying its name.


  • An ordered map based on a B-Tree.
  • An ordered set based on a B-Tree.
  • Wrapper for pointer types that implements by-address comparison.
  • A cheaply cloneable and sliceable chunk of contiguous memory.
  • A unique reference to a contiguous slice of memory.
  • A hash map implemented with quadratic probing and SIMD lookup.
  • A hash set implemented as a HashMap where the value is ().
  • A value which is initialized on the first access.
  • A compiled regular expression for searching Unicode haystacks.
  • Represents the capture groups for a single match.


  • Read bytes from a buffer.
  • A trait for values that provide sequential write access to bytes.
  • A data structure that can be deserialized from any data format supported by Serde.
  • The LateFormat trait allows substituting string parameters of arbitrary name that is computed at runtime.
  • A data structure that can be serialized into any data format supported by Serde.

Derive Macros