A wrapper to future-proof ReplicaAccountInfo handling.
If there were a change to the structure of ReplicaAccountInfo,
there would be new enum entry for the newer version, forcing
plugin implementations to handle the change.
A wrapper to future-proof ReplicaEntryInfo handling. To make a change to the structure of
ReplicaEntryInfo, add an new enum variant wrapping a newer version, which will force plugin
implementations to handle the change.
A wrapper to future-proof ReplicaTransactionInfo handling.
If there were a change to the structure of ReplicaTransactionInfo,
there would be new enum entry for the newer version, forcing
plugin implementations to handle the change.
Defines a Geyser plugin, to stream data from the runtime.
Geyser plugins must describe desired behavior for load and unload,
as well as how they will handle streamed data.