Macro affinitree::path

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macro_rules! path {
    ($tree:expr , $( $label:literal ),* ) => { ... };
Expand description

Follow the given label sequence beginning at the root of the specified tree. The resulting index at the end of the label sequence is returned.


use affinitree::{path, tree::graph::{Tree}};
let mut tree = Tree::<(), 2>::new();
let z = tree.add_root(()); // 0
let c0 = tree.add_child_node(z, 0, ()); // 1
let c1 = tree.add_child_node(z, 1, ()); // 2
let l0 = tree.add_child_node(c0, 0, ()); // 3

assert_eq!(path!(tree, 1), 2);
assert_eq!(path!(tree, 0, 0), 3);