[][src]Crate aerosol


Simple dependency injection for Rust

The two main exports of this crate are the define_context and define_interface macros.

Contexts are containers for multiple dependencies, allowing them to be passed around as one with relative ease. Interfaces are specialized traits which place constraints on contexts, indicating exactly what dependencies a context must provide.

Contexts are typically created at the top level of an application, as they specify exactly what concrete versions of all dependencies are going to be used. A single context is created with a precise set of depenencies, and is then threaded through the rest of the application as a generic parameter.

Interfaces are used at every level of an application, as they allow each piece of code to independently specify what dependencies are required. Interfaces can "inherit" the dependencies of other interfaces, with the idea being that this inheritance will form a tree, such that there will be some "root interface" which contains the union of all dependencies required by the whole application.

This pattern allows dependencies to be added or removed from any part of the application without having to modify the code at every level, to thread or un-thread the new or old dependencies through.


use std::sync::Arc;
use std::fmt::Debug;

// We will depend on some kind of logger
trait Logger: Debug {
    fn log(&self, msg: &str);

// We have a specific implementation of a stdout logger
struct StdoutLogger;

impl Logger for StdoutLogger {
    fn log(&self, msg: &str) {
        println!("{}", msg);

struct StdoutLoggerFactory;
impl aerosol::Factory for StdoutLoggerFactory {
    type Object = Arc<Logger>;
    fn build(_: ()) -> Result<Arc<Logger>, anyhow::Error> {

// Part of our application does some work
    WorkerInterface {
        fn logger(&self) -> Arc<Logger>;

fn do_work<I: WorkerInterface>(iface: I) {
    iface.logger().log("Doing some work!");

// Our application does multiple pieces of work
    AppInterface: WorkerInterface + Clone {}

fn run_app<I: AppInterface>(iface: I, num_work_items: usize) {
    for _ in 0..num_work_items {

// At the very top level, we specify the implementations
// of our dependencies.
    AppContext {
        logger: Arc<Logger> [StdoutLoggerFactory],

let context = AppContext::new().unwrap();

run_app(context, 4);

See the individual macro documentation for more details.



Define a new context. Typically used at the top level of an application to contain the full set of requried dependencies.


Define a new interface. Used at any layer of your application to declare what dependencies are required by that part of the program.



Implement this trait to provide a convenient syntax for constructing implementations of dependencies.


The building block for this crate. Automatically implemented for contexts providing a dependency of type T.


Allows cloning a context whilst replacing one dependency with a different implementation. Must be explicitly listed as a super-trait of an interface to use.