Expand description
Common collection interfaces and implementations.
- Cons
- Returns the concrete Cons type signature for the provided types.
- cons
- Constructs a Cons based on the values or identifiers passed in.
- AnyMap
- A type-safe associative array of unique types to values.
- GenIndex
Map - An associative array that uses GenIndex as keys to elements and stores data in a backing map.
- Here
- Used as an index into a Cons.
- MapJoin
Iter - Iterator adaptor that inner joins 2 maps.
- MapJoin
Left Excl Iter - Iterator adaptor that left exclusive joins 2 maps.
- MapJoin
Left Iter - Iterator adaptor that left joins 2 maps.
- Paged
Slot Map - Paged generational index slot map.
- Sparse
Set - An associative array that uses a dense and a sparse vector to map keys to elements.
- There
- Used as an index into a Cons.
- VecMap
- An associative array that uses a Vec of Options to map usize keys to elements.
- AnyMap
Key - Key of a [Registry].
- Clear
- Operation to clear a collection.
- Concat
- Trait for object concatenation.
- Cons
- Trait for a Cons.
- Cons
Getter - Trait for getting a Cons element by type.
- Downcast
- Any-like trait object pointer type that can be downcasted to underlying types.
- Into
Downcast - Trait for conversion of self into a Downcast type.
- IntoRev
- Trait for reversing self.
- Len
- A collection with length measure.
- Map
- A key-value map.
- MapGet
- Getter for a map.
- MapInsert
- Operation to insert into a map.
- MapJoin
- Iterator trait for joining with MapGets and MapMuts.
- MapMut
- Mutator for a map.
- Pop
- Operation to pop value from collection.
- Push
- Operation to push new value into collection.
- Retain
- Operation to decide which collection elements to retain.
Type Aliases§
- GenIndexB
Tree Map - A GenIndexMap backed by a BTreeMap.
- GenIndex
Hash Map - A GenIndexMap backed by a std::collections::HashMap.
- GenIndex
VecMap - A GenIndexMap backed by a VecMap.