Crate adtest

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This crate allows you to easily create tests with setup and cleanup functions, like beforeEach and afterEach functions in jest, it offers this functionality for both async and non-async test.

To use simply add to your crate in or

#[macro_use] extern crate adtest;

After that add #[adtest] to desired function

fn complex_test(){
    println!("I like to test things");

If used solely it behaves as #[test] on non async function and on async functions as #[tokio::test]. But unlike those, #[adtest] allows you to add setup and clean up functions to run before/after your tests.

Example of test with setup

#[adtest::adtest(setup = setup_function)]
fn complex_test(){
    println!("I like to test things");

fn setup_function(){
    println!("I will do some setup things");

If your setup/cleanup function is async you must specify it with async keyword before test name:

    setup = setup_function,
    cleanup = async cleanup_function
fn complex_test(){
    println!("I like to test things");

fn setup_function(){
    println!("I will do some setup things");

async fn cleanup_function(){
    println!("I am async function")

Attribute Macros§

Macro that derives test for function, this macro allows you to have setup and cleanup function for your tests.