
Attribute Macro adtest

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Macro that derives test for function, this macro allows you to have setup and cleanup function for your tests.


    setup = setup_function,
    cleanup = cleanup_function
fn very_complex_test() {
    println!("I am regular test")

If you need async in your test add tokio to your crate and just add adtest macro on async function

    setup = setup_function,
    cleanup = cleanup_function
async fn very_complex_test() {
    println!("I am very complex async test");

There are currently two possible attributes on adtest on is setup other is cleanup. Use setup attribute to pass function that runs code that is needed for test, example is mocking entities in db, creating file, etc. Use cleanup function to cleanup after test or setup for example to remove files or entities generated by test.

If your setup or cleanup function is async then you must specify it with async

    setup = async setup_function,
    cleanup = async cleanup_function
fn very_complex_test() {
    println!("I am regular test")