[][src]Module adafruit_gps::PMTK

PMTK commands give the gps module settings for output.

To give a PMTK command send it via the Gps struct: gps.pmtk....(args). See simple.rs for example.

Note: All commands will be destructive for all sentences in the buffer. You will not be able to read data given by the gps after sending it a command.

Important commands

pmtk_220_set_nmea_updaterate -> Hz for the gps update rate. The baudrate (pmtk_220_set_nmea_updaterate) may need to be changed as well.

pmtk_314_api_set_nmea_output -> Sets 6 modes, GLL is not included in any other docs.

PMTK return formats


The PMTK001 command is the response given when there is a valid command given.

Commands are Invalid, Unsupported, Failed, Successful, or No packet received.


5** pmtk standards are all reply formats. Each is individual and unique.

Reboot commands

Upon any kind of restart the following is printed: $CDACK,7,049\r\n -> Unknown what this is. This is what is given upon wake up. $PMTK011,MTKGPS08\r\n -> Output sys message. $PMTK010,0012E\r\n -> Sys message, 001 Startup. $PMTK011,MTKGPS08\r\n -> 001 txt message, output system message. $PMTK010,002*2D\r\n -> Sys msg, 002 = Notification, aiding EPO.

