Trait actix::prelude::actix::AsyncContext [] [src]

pub trait AsyncContext<A>: ActorContext + ToEnvelope<A> where
    A: Actor<Context = Self>, 
{ fn spawn<F>(&mut self, fut: F) -> SpawnHandle
        F: ActorFuture<Item = (), Error = (), Actor = A> + 'static
fn wait<F>(&mut self, fut: F)
        F: ActorFuture<Item = (), Error = (), Actor = A> + 'static
fn cancel_future(&mut self, handle: SpawnHandle) -> bool; fn address<Address>(&mut self) -> Address
        A: ActorAddress<A, Address>
, { ... }
fn add_future<F>(&mut self, fut: F)
        F: Future + 'static,
        F::Item: ResponseType,
        A: Handler<Result<F::Item, F::Error>>
, { ... }
fn add_stream<S>(&mut self, fut: S)
        S: Stream + 'static,
        S::Item: ResponseType,
        A: StreamHandler<Result<S::Item, S::Error>>
, { ... }
fn add_message_stream<S>(&mut self, fut: S)
        S: Stream<Error = ()> + 'static,
        S::Item: ResponseType,
        A: StreamHandler<S::Item>
, { ... }
fn notify<M>(&mut self, msg: M)
        A: Handler<M>,
        M: ResponseType + 'static
, { ... }
fn notify_later<M>(&mut self, msg: M, after: Duration) -> SpawnHandle
        A: Handler<M>,
        M: ResponseType + 'static
, { ... }
fn run_later<F>(&mut self, dur: Duration, f: F) -> SpawnHandle
        F: FnOnce(&mut A, &mut A::Context) + 'static
, { ... } }

Asynchronous execution context

Required Methods

Spawn async future into context. Returns handle of the item, could be used for cancelling execution.

Spawn future into the context. Stop processing any of incoming events until this future resolves.

Cancel future. idx is a value returned by spawn method.

Provided Methods

Get actor address

This method allow to handle Future in similar way as normal actor messages.

use actix::prelude::*;

struct Ping;

struct MyActor;

impl Handler<Ping> for MyActor {
    type Result = ();

    fn handle(&mut self, msg: Ping, ctx: &mut Context<MyActor>) {

impl Actor for MyActor {
   type Context = Context<Self>;

   fn started(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context<Self>) {
       // send `Ping` to self.

This method is similar to add_future but works with streams.

Information to consider. Actor wont receive next item from a stream until Response future resolves to result. Self::reply and Self::reply_error resolves immediately.

This method is similar to add_stream but it skips errors.

Send message msg to self.

Send message msg to self after specified period of time. Returns spawn handle which could be used for cancelation. Notification get cancelled if context's stop method get called.

Execute closure after specified period of time within same Actor and Context Execution get cancelled if context's stop method get called.
