Module actix_web::dev

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The actix-web prelude for library developers

The purpose of this module is to alleviate imports of many common actix traits by adding a glob import to the top of actix heavy modules:

use actix_web::dev::*;


Represents async result
HttpRequest connection information
Consume a future
Determines Either extractor configuration
Form extractor configuration
An HTTP response builder
Request payload json parser that resolves to a deserialized T value.
Json extractor configuration
Future that resolves to a complete http message body.
Route match information
Path extractor configuration
Buffered stream of bytes chunks
Payload buffer
Payload configuration for request’s payload.
Query extractor configuration
Stream to read request line by line.
Resource is an entry in route table which corresponds to requested URL.
Resource type describes an entry in resources table
Information about current resource
Resource route definition
Interface for application router.
Future that resolves to a parsed urlencoded values.


Defines the result if neither or both of the extractors supplied to an Either<A,B> extractor succeed.
Resource type


A trait to abstract the idea of creating a new instance of a type from a path parameter.
Trait defines object that could be registered as route handler

Type Definitions

Type represent streaming body