Module actix_web::error

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Error and Result module


General purpose actix web error.
Helper type that can wrap any error and generate custom response.


A set of error that can occure during parsing content type
Enum corresponding to a parsing error.
Error during handling Expect header
A set of errors that can occur during parsing json payloads
A set of errors that can occur during parsing multipart streams
A set of errors that can occur during parsing HTTP streams
A set of errors that can occur during payload parsing
Error type returned when reading body as lines.
Errors which can occur when serving static files.
Errors which can occur when attempting to interpret a segment string as a valid path segment.
Errors which can occur when attempting to generate resource uri.
Errors that can occur during parsing.
A set of errors that can occur during parsing urlencoded payloads


Error that can be converted to HttpResponse


Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate BAD GATEWAY response.
Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate BAD REQUEST response.
Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate CONFLICT response.
Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate EXPECTATION FAILED response.
Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate FORBIDDEN response.
Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate GATEWAY TIMEOUT response.
Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate GONE response.
Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate INTERNAL SERVER ERROR response.
Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate METHOD NOT ALLOWED response.
Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate NOT FOUND response.
Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate NOT IMPLEMENTED response.
Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate PRECONDITION FAILED response.
Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate REQUEST TIMEOUT response.
Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate SERVICE UNAVAILABLE response.
Helper function that creates wrapper of any error and generate UNAUTHORIZED response.

Type Definitions

A specialized Result for actix web operations