Expand description

actix-web-validator is a crate for providing validation mechanism to actix-web with validator crate.

The main idea of this crate is to add full validation support provided by validator derive traits and provide maximum compatibility with base actix_web::web::{Query, Json, Path} structures.


use actix_web::{web, App};
use serde::Deserialize;
use actix_web_validator::Query;
use validator::Validate;

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
pub enum ResponseType {

#[derive(Deserialize, Validate)]
pub struct AuthRequest {
    #[validate(range(min = 1000, max = 9999))]
    id: u64,
    response_type: ResponseType,

// Use `Query` extractor for query information (and destructure it within the signature).
// This handler gets called only if the request's query string contains a `id` and
// `response_type` fields.
// The correct request for this handler would be `/index.html?id=19&response_type=Code"`.
async fn index(info: Query<AuthRequest>) -> String {
    assert!(info.id >= 1000);
    format!("Authorization request for client with id={} and type={:?}!", info.id, info.response_type)

fn main() {
    let app = App::new().service(
       web::resource("/index.html").route(web::get().to(index))); // <- use `Query` extractor


pub use error::Error;


Error declaration.


Form can be used for extracting typed information and validation from request’s form data.

Form extractor configuration

Json can be used for exstracting typed information and validation from request’s payload.

Json extractor configuration

Extract typed information from the request’s path.

Path extractor configuration

Extract and validate typed information from the request’s query (serde_qs based).

Query extractor configuration (serde_qs based).

Extract and validate typed information from the request’s query.

Query extractor configuration.