Crate actix_web_middleware_cognito

Expand description

Middleware for actix-web that helps you validate Cognito tokens.

§Cognito validator

Before setting up the middleware we have to create a CognitoValidator that will be built by receiving some vari ables from the environment:

  • COGNITO_REGION: The region of the Cognito pool.
  • COGNITO_POOLID: The Cognito pool id.
  • COGNITO_CLIENTID: The client id of your app.
  • COGNITO_ENABLED (optional): if not present or 0 no validation will be done.
  • COGNITO_VERIFY_ACCESSTOKEN (optional): if not present or 0 idToken will be validated. If present, the accessToken will be validated instead.


Setting up the middleware:

// builidng the validator in order to be shared between all threads.
let cognito_validator =
    Arc::new(CognitoValidator::create().expect("Error configuring the Cognito validator"));

HttpServer::new(move || {
    // cognito middleware
    let cognito = Cognito::new(cognito_validator.clone());

    // set up the app
        .route("/", web::get().to(index))
.bind(format!("{}", PORT))
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("🔥 Couldn't start the server at port {}", PORT))

§Extracting the token from the request

The library provides a CognitoInfo extractor for you to get information about the Cognito token. If the token is invalid or you disable the middleware (by omitting the COGNITO_ENABLED environment variable) you will always get a disabled CognitoInfo, i.e. a CognitoInfo with no token.

async fn index(auth: CognitoInfo) -> impl Responder {
    let msg = format!(
        "User with id {} made this call with token {}",


  • Middleware to use in your Actix-web services
  • This extractor will only work if you have enabled the Cognito middleware. It will provide information about the token and the user id
  • Helper to validate the Cognito token. It relies on environment variables and will check the token against Amazon servers.