Crate actix_test

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Integration testing tools for Actix Web applications.

The main integration testing tool is TestServer. It spawns a real HTTP server on an unused port and provides methods that use a real HTTP client. Therefore, it is much closer to real-world cases than using init_service, which skips HTTP encoding and decoding.


use actix_web::{get, web, test, App, HttpResponse, Error, Responder};

async fn my_handler() -> Result<impl Responder, Error> {

async fn test_example() {
    let srv = actix_test::start(||

    let req = srv.get("/");
    let res = req.send().await.unwrap();




  • A set of errors that can occur during payload parsing.


  • Helper function that returns a response body of a TestRequest
  • Helper function that returns a deserialized response body of a TestRequest
  • Calls service and waits for response future completion.
  • Create default test server config.
  • Initialize service from application builder instance.
  • Creates service that always responds with 200 OK and no body.
  • Helper function that returns a response body of a ServiceResponse.
  • Helper function that returns a deserialized response body of a ServiceResponse.
  • Start default TestServer.
  • Start test server with custom configuration
  • Creates service that always responds with given status code and no body.
  • Collects all the bytes produced by body.
  • Get a localhost socket address with random, unused port.