Module actix_net::service

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Service for the and_then combinator, chaining a computation onto the end of another service which completes successfully.
AndThenNewService new service combinator
Apply service combinator
ApplyNewService new service combinator
Service for the from_err combinator, changing the error type of a service.
NewService for the from_err combinator, changing the type of a new service’s error.
Service for the map combinator, changing the type of a service’s response.
Service for the map_err combinator, changing the type of a service’s error.
NewService for the map_err combinator, changing the type of a new service’s error.
MapInitErr service combinator
MapNewService new service combinator
Service for the then combinator, chaining a computation onto the end of another service.
ThenNewService new service combinator


Trait for types that can be converted to a Service
Trait for types that can be converted to a Service
re-export for convinience Creates new Service values.
re-export for convinience An asynchronous function from Request to a Response.
An extension trait for Services that provides a variety of convenient adapters