Derive Macro actionable_macros::Actionable[][src]

    // Attributes available to this derive:

Derives a set of traits that can be used to implement a permissions-driven API. There are options that can be customized with the #[actionable] attribute at the enum level:

  • Crate name override: #[actionable(actionable = "someothername")]. If you find yourself needing to import actionable as another name, this setting will replace all mentions of actionable with the identifier specified.

The Dispatcher Trait

The first trait that is generated is named <EnumName>Dispatcher. For example, if the enum’s name is Request, the generated trait name will be RequestDispatcher. This trait has no methods for you to implement. It defines several associated types:

  • Output: The Ok side of the Result.
  • Error: The Err side of the Result. Must implement From<actionable::PermissionDenied>.
  • For each variant in the enum, another associated type named <VariantName>Handler. For example, if the enum variant was Request::AddUser, the associated type will be AddUserHandler. Each of these associated types must implement the trait of the same name (described in the next section).

The dispatcher trait has a method available for you to use to dispatch requests: async fn dispatch(&self, permissions: &Permissions, request: <EnumName>) -> Result<Self::Output, Self::Error>.

The Handler Traits

For each variant in the enum, a trait will be generated named <VariantName>Handler. Using the same example above, the enum variant Request::AddUser would generate the trait AddUserHandler. These traits are implemented using the async-trait trait.

Each variant must have a protection method assigned using the #[actionable] attribute. There are three protection methods:

No Protection: #[actionable(protection = "none")]

A handler with no protection has one method:

trait Handler {
   type Dispatcher;
   async fn handle(
       dispatcher: &Self::Dispatcher,
       permissions: &Permissions,
       /* each field on this variant is passed
          as a parameter to this method */
   ) -> Result<Output, Error>;

Actionable does not do any checks before invoking this handler.

Simple Protection: #[actionable(protection = "simple")]

A handler with simple protection exposes methods and types to allow specifying an actionable::ResourceName and an Action for this handler:

trait Handler {
   type Dispatcher;
   type Action;

   fn resource_name<'a>(
       dispatcher: &Self::Dispatcher,
       /* each field on this variant is passed
          by reference as a parameter to this method */
   ) -> ResourceName<'a>;

   fn action() -> Self::Action;

   async fn handle_protected(
       dispatcher: &Self::Dispatcher,
       permissions: &Permissions,
       /* each field on this variant is passed
          as a parameter to this method */
   ) -> Result<Output, Error>;

When the handler is invoked, it first checks permissions to ensure that action() is allowed to be performed on resource_name(). If it is not allowed, an actionable::PermissionDenied error will be returned. If it is allowed, handle_protected() will be executed.

Custom Protection: #[actionable(protection = "custom")]

A handler with custom protection has two methods, one to verify permissions and one to execute the protected code:

trait Handler {
   type Dispatcher;
   async fn verify_permissions(
       dispatcher: &Self::Dispatcher,
       permissions: &Permissions,
       /* each field on this variant is passed
          by refrence as a parameter to this method */
   ) -> Result<(), Error>;
   async fn handle_protected(dispatcher: &Self::Dispatcher, permissions:
       &Permissions, /* each field on this variant is passed as a parameter
       to this method */) -> Result<Output, Error>;

Actionable will first call verify_permissions(). If you return Ok(()), your handle_protected() method is invoked.

Why should you use the built-in protection modes?

Actionable attempts to make permission handling easy to understand and implement while making it difficult to forget implementing permission handling. This is only effective if you use the protection levels.

Because Actionable includes permissions in every call to handle[_protected](), technically you could use a protection level of none and implement permission handling within the handle() function. While it would work, you shouldn’t do this.

Actionable encourages placing information about permission handling in the definition of the enum. By using simple and custom protection strategies, consumers of your API will be able to see at the enum level what APIs check permissions. When trying to understand what permissions are being used, this is critical.

By placing your permission handling code in locations that follow a repeatable patern, you’re helping anyone who is reading the code separate what logic is related to permission handling and what logic is related to the API implementation.

What protection mode should you use?

  • If your handler is operating on a single resource and performing a single action, use the simple protection mode.
  • If your handler needs to check permissions but it’s more complicated than the first scenario, use the custom protection mode.
  • If you aren’t enforcing permissions inside of this handler, use the none protection mode.