[][src]Module act_zero::runtimes

Contains integrations with specific runtimes

Supported features:

  • tokio Enables the tokio runtime.
  • async-std Enables the async-std runtime.
  • default-tokio Enables the tokio runtime and re-exports it under the name default.
  • default-async-std Enables the async-std runtime and re-exports it under the name default.
  • default-disabled Prevents a default runtime being exported, regardless of other features.

Multiple runtimes may be enabled, but only one default runtime may be chosen. It is not necessary to choose a default runtime unless you want to use the default module.

If no default runtime is selected, and the default-disabled option is not enabled, the panic runtime will be re-exported as the default. This allows library authors to build against the default runtime whilst remaining runtime agnostic.


pub use self::panic as default;



Dummy runtime implementation which panics on use.