Crate acme

source · []



A X25519 key.

Struct representing a BSON datetime. Note: BSON datetimes have millisecond precision.

The local timescale. This is implemented via the standard time crate.

Representation of a Multiaddr.

A wrapper around raw 12-byte ObjectId representations.

Identifier of a peer of the network.

The UTC time zone. This is the most efficient time zone when you don’t need the local time. It is also used as an offset (which is also a dummy type).


Represents all possible errors that can occur when working with configuration.

Identity keypair of a node.




Read the pre shared key file from the given ipfs directory

parse a legacy multiaddr (replace ipfs with p2p), and strip the peer id so it can be dialed by rust-libp2p

for a multiaddr that ends with a peer id, this strips this suffix. Rust-libp2p only supports dialing to an address without providing the peer id.

Type Definitions

Attribute Macros

Derive Macros