Module acid_store::repo::version

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Available on crate feature repo-version only.
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An object store with support for content versioning.

This module contains the VersionRepo repository type.

This repository is an object store like KeyRepo, except it supports storing multiple versions of each object. The current version of each object is mutable, while past versions are read-only.

Like other repositories, changes made to the repository are not persisted to the data store until Commit::commit is called. For details about deduplication, compression, encryption, and locking, see the module-level documentation for crate::repo.


Create a version of an object, delete the object’s contents, and then restore from the version.

    use std::io::{Read, Write};

    use acid_store::repo::{OpenMode, OpenOptions, Object, version::VersionRepo, RepoConfig};
    use acid_store::store::MemoryConfig;

    fn main() -> acid_store::Result<()> {
        let mut repository: VersionRepo<String> = OpenOptions::new()

        // Insert a new object and write some data to it.
        let mut object = repository.insert(String::from("Key")).unwrap();
        object.write_all(b"Original data")?;

        // Create a new, read-only version of this object.
        let version = repository.create_version("Key").unwrap();

        // Modify the current version of the object.
        let mut object = repository.object("Key").unwrap();

        // Restore from the version we created earlier.

        // Check the contents.
        let mut object = repository.object("Key").unwrap();
        let mut contents = Vec::new();
        object.read_to_end(&mut contents)?;

        assert_eq!(contents, b"Original data");
