[][src]Crate accelerometer

Generic embedded-friendly accelerometer support, including traits and types for representing readings from 2 or 3-axis accelerometers.

Also includes optional device position tracking support with statistical methods for smoothing out noisy accelerometer data.

Writing an accelerometer driver

The accelerometer crate is intended to provide a "HAL" for accelerometers which allows several accelerometer-consuming crates to leverage a common API and set of vector types for consuming accelerometer data.

Accelerometer drivers are intended to use embedded-hal I2C or SPI interfaces. The first task of writing a driver is to choose one of these and write a driver which is able to communicate with the accelerometer and obtain data.

Next, impl the Accelerometer trait (providing normalized readings) and/or the RawAccelerometer trait (providing direct access to raw data) for your driver (ideally the former, as it provides reuse across drivers).

For RawAccelerometer, you will need to choose a Vector type for raw accelerometer data which best matches the output of your device. This trait has a single method, RawAccelerometer::accel_raw, which returns a reading from the accelerometer or an error.

See the ADXL343 crate for an example.


pub use crate::error::*;
pub use crate::orientation::*;



Accelerometer errors - generic over an inner "cause" type (intended to be an underlying I2C or SPI error type, if applicable).


Orientation tracking for accelerometer-equipped devices.


Algebraic vector types generic over a number of axes and a component type.



Accelerometer trait which provides g-normalized readings.


Read raw acceleration vectors of type V: Vector.


Vectors with numeric components