var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["abomonation"] = {"doc":"Abomonation (spelling intentional) is a fast serialization / deserialization crate.","items":[[5,"encode","abomonation","Encodes a typed reference into a binary buffer.",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"t"},{"name":"vec"}],"output":null}],[5,"decode","","Decodes a mutable binary slice into an immutable typed reference.",null,null],[5,"verify","","Decodes an immutable binary slice into an immutable typed reference by validating the data .",null,null],[8,"Abomonation","","Abomonation provides methods to serialize any heap data the implementor owns.",null,null],[11,"entomb","","Write any additional information about `&self` beyond its binary representation.",0,null],[11,"embalm","","Perform any final edits before committing `&mut self`. Importantly, this method should only\nmanipulate the fields of `self`; any owned memory may not be valid.",0,null],[11,"exhume","","Recover any information for `&mut self` not evident from its binary representation.",0,null],[11,"verify","","Confirm that `bytes` decodes to a valid reference without correcting self if it does not.",0,null],[14,"unsafe_abomonate!","","The `unsafe_abomonate!` macro takes a type name with an optional list of fields, and implements\n`Abomonation` for the type, following the pattern of the tuple implementations: each method\ncalls the equivalent method on each of its fields.",null,null]],"paths":[[8,"Abomonation"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);