[][src]Trait abi_stable::erased_types::traits::InterfaceType

pub trait InterfaceType: Sized {
    type Send;
    type Sync;
    type Clone;
    type Default;
    type Display;
    type Debug;
    type Serialize;
    type Eq;
    type PartialEq;
    type Ord;
    type PartialOrd;
    type Hash;
    type Deserialize;
    type Iterator;
    type DoubleEndedIterator;
    type FmtWrite;
    type IoWrite;
    type IoSeek;
    type IoRead;
    type IoBufRead;
    type Error;

Defines the usable/required traits when creating a DynTrait<Pointer<()>,ThisInterfaceType> from a type that implements ImplType<Interface= ThisInterfaceType > .

This trait can only be implemented using the #[derive(StableAbi)] and the impl_InterfaceType macro, giving a default value to each associated type, so that adding associated types is not a breaking change.

The value of every associated type can be.

  • Implemented<_>,the trait would be required by and usable in DynTrait.

  • Unimplemented<_>,the trait would not be required by and not usable in DynTrait.


use abi_stable::{

pub struct FooInterface;

The `#[sabi(impl_InterfaceType(Clone,Debug))]` helper attribute 
(as part of #[derive(StableAbi)]) above is roughly equivalent to this impl:

impl InterfaceType for FooInterface {
    type Clone= Implemented<trait_marker::Clone>;

    type Debug= Implemented<trait_marker::Debug>;

    //// defaulted associated types

    // Changing this to require/unrequire in minor versions,is an abi breaking change.
    // type Send= Unimplemented<trait_marker::Send>;

    // Changing this to require/unrequire in minor versions,is an abi breaking change.
    // type Sync= Unimplemented<trait_marker::Sync>;

    // type Iterator= Unimplemented<trait_marker::Iterator>;

    // type DoubleEndedIterator= Unimplemented<trait_marker::DoubleEndedIterator>;

    // type Default= Unimplemented<trait_marker::Default>;

    // type Display= Unimplemented<trait_marker::Display>;

    // type Serialize= Unimplemented<trait_marker::Serialize>;

    // type Eq= Unimplemented<trait_marker::Eq>;

    // type PartialEq= Unimplemented<trait_marker::PartialEq>;

    // type Ord= Unimplemented<trait_marker::Ord>;

    // type PartialOrd= Unimplemented<trait_marker::PartialOrd>;

    // type Hash= Unimplemented<trait_marker::Hash>;

    // type Deserialize= Unimplemented<trait_marker::Deserialize>;

    // type FmtWrite= Unimplemented<trait_marker::FmtWrite>;
    // type IoWrite= Unimplemented<trait_marker::IoWrite>;
    // type IoSeek= Unimplemented<trait_marker::IoSeek>;
    // type IoRead= Unimplemented<trait_marker::IoRead>;

    // type IoBufRead= Unimplemented<trait_marker::IoBufRead>;
    // type Error= Unimplemented<trait_marker::Error>;

Associated Types

type Send

Changing this to require/unrequire in minor versions,is an abi breaking change.

type Sync

Changing this to require/unrequire in minor versions,is an abi breaking change.

type Clone

type Default

type Display

type Debug

type Serialize

type Eq

type PartialEq

type Ord

type PartialOrd

type Hash

type Deserialize

type Iterator

type DoubleEndedIterator

type FmtWrite

type IoWrite

type IoSeek

type IoRead

type IoBufRead

type Error

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl InterfaceType for ()[src]

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impl InterfaceType for ExtraChecks_Interface[src]

impl InterfaceType for TypeChecker_Interface[src]

impl InterfaceType for CloneEqInterface[src]

impl InterfaceType for CloneInterface[src]

impl InterfaceType for DebugDisplayInterface[src]

impl InterfaceType for DefaultInterface[src]

impl InterfaceType for FmtWriteInterface[src]

impl InterfaceType for IoWriteInterface[src]

impl InterfaceType for PartialEqInterface[src]

impl InterfaceType for ConstExample_Interface[src]

impl<K, V> InterfaceType for MutIterInterface<K, V>[src]

impl<K, V> InterfaceType for RefIterInterface<K, V>[src]

impl<K, V> InterfaceType for ValIterInterface<K, V>[src]

impl<T> InterfaceType for DEIteratorInterface<T>[src]

impl<T> InterfaceType for IteratorInterface<T>[src]

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