[−][src]Crate abci
Tendermint ABCI library for Rust
This library provides an application Trait and TCP server for implementing Tendemint ABCI application in Rust. The Application Trait provides default implementations for each callback to simplify development.
Here's a simple example that communicates with Tendermint. Defaults callbacks are handled by the Trait. The app doesn't do any actual processing on a transaction.
struct EmptyApp; impl abci::Application for EmptyApp {} fn run_empty_app() { abci::run_local(EmptyApp); }
BlockID | |
BlockParams | |
ConsensusParams | |
Event | |
Evidence | |
EvidenceParams | |
Header | |
LastCommitInfo | |
Pair | Generated files are compatible only with the same version of protobuf runtime. |
PartSetHeader | |
Proof | |
ProofOp | Generated files are compatible only with the same version of protobuf runtime. |
PubKey | |
Request | Generated files are compatible only with the same version of protobuf runtime. |
RequestBeginBlock | |
RequestCheckTx | |
RequestCommit | |
RequestDeliverTx | |
RequestEcho | |
RequestEndBlock | |
RequestFlush | |
RequestInfo | |
RequestInitChain | |
RequestQuery | |
RequestSetOption | |
Response | |
ResponseBeginBlock | |
ResponseCheckTx | |
ResponseCommit | |
ResponseDeliverTx | |
ResponseEcho | |
ResponseEndBlock | |
ResponseException | |
ResponseFlush | |
ResponseInfo | |
ResponseInitChain | |
ResponseQuery | |
ResponseSetOption | |
Validator | |
ValidatorParams | |
ValidatorUpdate | |
Version | |
VoteInfo |
CheckTxType | |
Request_oneof_value | |
Response_oneof_value |
Application | Main Trait for an ABCI application. Provides generic responses for all callbacks Override desired callbacks as needed. Tendermint makes 3 TCP connections to the application and does so in a synchonized manner. |
run | Setup the application and start the server. Use this fn when setting different ip:port. |
run_local | Setup the app and start the server using localhost and default tendermint port 26658 |