Module aabb_cw_orch::prelude

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Glob (*) import me to get all the types you need to get started with cw-orch.

use cw_orch::prelude::*;



  • Creates an ArtifactsDir from the current workspace by searching the file tree for a directory named artifacts. It does this by reading the CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR environment variable and going up the file tree until it finds the artifacts directory.


  • A human readable address.
  • Points to a directory containing WASM files
  • Re-export trait and data required to fetch daemon data from chain-registry
  • Wraps the exported functions from a contract and provides the normalized format Place T4 and E4 at the end, as we just want default placeholders for most contracts that don’t have sudo
  • An empty struct that serves as a placeholder in different places, such as contracts that don’t set a custom message.
  • Direct path to a .wasm file Stored as PathBuf to avoid lifetimes. Can be constructed from ArtifactsDir.


  • cw-orchestrator error wrapper using thiserror.


  • Enables calling a contract with a different sender.
  • Interface to the underlying Contract struct. Implemented automatically when using our macros.
  • Smart contract execute entry point.
  • Smart contract instantiate entry point.
  • Smart contract migrate entry point.
  • Smart contract query entry point.
  • Trait that indicates that the contract can be uploaded.
  • Trait that indicates that the contract can be executed with the associated message.
  • Re-export trait and data required to fetch daemon data from chain-registry Fetchable represents the basic expectations for external data or resources that can be fetched.
  • Index data returned by transactions which are applicable to both AppResponse (mock env) and TxResponse (live env)
  • Trait that indicates that the contract can be instantiated with the associated message.
  • Trait that indicates that the contract can be migrated with the associated message.
  • Interface to call into a Contract
  • Trait that indicates that the contract can be queried with the associated message.
  • Trait to implement on the contract to enable it to be uploaded Should return WasmPath for Chain = Daemon and Box<&dyn Contract> for Chain = Mock