Crate a121_rs

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The a121-rs library offers Rust bindings for interfacing with the Acconeer A121 radar sensor, designed for embedded systems. Unlike traditional networking or sensor libraries, a121-rs focuses on providing low-level access to the sensor’s capabilities while abstracting the complexities into a more Rust-centric API. This library is tailored for real-time applications where direct control over sensor data acquisition and processing is crucial.

a121-rs is structured to offer both high-level abstractions for easy integration into applications and low-level access for fine-tuned control.

§Sensor Modes and Configuration

The core functionality of a121-rs is exposed through its sensor mode configurations, allowing users to switch between distance measurement and presence detection(soon). The configuration API, found in the module config, enables detailed customization of the radar’s parameters, such as sweep frequency, power levels, and processing options.

§Data Acquisition and Processing

At the heart of a121-rs is the data acquisition and processing layer. This layer, accessible through the radar module, provides the mechanisms to initiate sensor sweeps, retrieve raw data, and apply post-processing for noise reduction and signal enhancement.

§Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)

a121-rs employs an embedded-hal compatible layer, found in the hal module, to abstract over the specific hardware interfaces used to communicate with the A121 sensor. This design allows a121-rs to be hardware agnostic, supporting a wide range of embedded platforms by leveraging the embedded-hal ecosystem. There is still work to be done to make the HAL more flexible and configurable, but the current implementation is a good starting point for most use cases.

§Examples and Use Cases

The library comes with a set of examples, located in the examples directory, demonstrating common use cases and configurations for the A121 sensor. These examples cover basic setups for different hardware platforms and provide a starting point for integrating the A121 sensor into your projects.


Configuration for the radar sensor
Hardware Abstraction Layer equivalent to the C API
Number definitions for the radar sensor
Processing modules for the radar sensor
Main radar module, interfacing with the radar sensor