Module a10::io

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Type definitions for I/O functionality.

The main types of this module are the Buf and BufMut traits, which define the requirements on buffers using the I/O system calls on an file descriptor (AsyncFd). Additionally the BufSlice and BufMutSlice traits existing to define the behaviour of buffers in vectored I/O.

A specialised read buffer pool implementation exists in ReadBufPool, which is a buffer pool managed by the kernel when making read(2)-like system calls.

Finally we have the stdin, stdout and stderr functions to create AsyncFds for standard in, out and error respectively.



  • Trait that defines the behaviour of buffers used in writing, which requires read only access.
  • Trait that defines the behaviour of buffers used in reading, which requires mutable access.
  • Trait that defines the behaviour of buffers used in reading using vectored I/O, which requires mutable access.
  • Trait that defines the behaviour of buffers used in writing using vectored I/O, which requires read only access.
