Crate NOSHP_Client

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§Nik’s Open-source Smart Home Platform Client Library

This crate is designed to serve as an easy to use API to communicate with the NOSHP Server.


This is a simple example of how to use this library. It will the server about two buttons (defined in the config.toml file): “Turn On” and “Turn Off”.

When either of these buttons are pressed, the callback assigned to them will be called, in this case printing their respective actions.

The callback can have state assigned to it, and in the future will contain information about the user’s actions. For example if they input a number into a field, this will be displayed in the request (not implemented yet).

struct ExampleState { 
    text: String,
impl State for ExampleState {}
pub const SERVER_IP: &str = "http://[::1]:50051";
const CONFIG_PATH: &str = "./example_config.toml";
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let config = ClientConfig::load_config(CONFIG_PATH);
    let config = match config {
        Ok(r) => r,
        Err(e) => {
            eprintln!("Error loading config: {}", e.to_string());
            println!("Loading default config...");
    let client_handler = ClientHandler::new();
    .add_state(ExampleState { text: String::from("hello world") })
    .add_callback("Turn On", Box::new(turn_on_led))
    .add_callback("Turn Off", Box::new(turn_off_led))
    .run(config, String::from(SERVER_IP)).await.unwrap();
    return Ok(());

fn turn_on_led(state: &mut ExampleState, req: Request) {
    println!("turned on led");
fn turn_off_led(state: &mut ExampleState, req: Request) {
    println!("turned off led");
