Module rgsl::sort[][src]

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This chapter describes functions for sorting data, both directly and indirectly (using an index). All the functions use the heapsort algorithm. Heapsort is an O(N \log N) algorithm which operates in-place and does not require any additional storage. It also provides consistent performance, the running time for its worst-case (ordered data) being not significantly longer than the average and best cases. Note that the heapsort algorithm does not preserve the relative ordering of equal elements—it is an unstable sort. However the resulting order of equal elements will be consistent across different platforms when using these functions.

##References and Further Reading

The subject of sorting is covered extensively in Knuth’s Sorting and Searching,

Donald E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming: Sorting and Searching (Vol 3, 3rd Ed, 1997), Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0201896850. The Heapsort algorithm is described in the following book,

Robert Sedgewick, Algorithms in C, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0201514257.



The functions described in this section select the k smallest or largest elements of a data set of size N. The routines use an O(kN) direct insertion algorithm which is suited to subsets that are small compared with the total size of the dataset. For example, the routines are useful for selecting the 10 largest values from one million data points, but not for selecting the largest 100,000 values. If the subset is a significant part of the total dataset it may be faster to sort all the elements of the dataset directly with an O(N \log N) algorithm and obtain the smallest or largest values that way.


The following functions will sort the elements of an array or vector, either directly or indirectly. They are defined for all real and integer types using the normal suffix rules. For example, the float versions of the array functions are gsl_sort_float and gsl_sort_float_index. The corresponding vector functions are gsl_sort_vector_float and gsl_sort_vector_float_index. The prototypes are available in the header files gsl_sort_float.h gsl_sort_vector_float.h. The complete set of prototypes can be included using the header files gsl_sort.h and gsl_sort_vector.h.