Module spacetimedb_sdk::identity

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  • Credentials, including a private access token, sufficient to authenticate a client connected to a database.
  • A unique public identifier for a client connected to a database.
  • A private access token for a client connected to a database.


  • Read the current connection’s Address.
  • Read the current connection’s Credentials, including a public Identity and a private Token.
  • Read the current connection’s public Identity.
  • Load a saved Credentials from a file within ~/dirname, if one exists.
  • Register a callback to be invoked upon authentication with the database.
  • Register a callback to be invoked once upon authentication with the database.
  • Unregister a previously-registered on_connect callback.
  • Stores a Credentials to a file within ~/dirname, to be later loaded with load_credentials.
  • Read the current connection’s private Token.