Module spacetimedb_bindings_sys::raw

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Provides a raw set of sys calls which abstractions can be built atop of.


  • A handle into a buffer of bytes in the host environment.
  • Represents table iterators, with a similar API to Buffer.


  • What strategy does the database index use?



  • Creates a buffer of size data_len in the host environment.
  • Consumes the buffer, moving its contents to the slice (dst, dst_len).
  • Returns the length (number of bytes) of buffer bufh without transferring ownership of the data into the function.
  • Unschedule a reducer using the same id generated as when it was scheduled.
  • Log at level a message message occuring in filename:line_number with target being the module path at the log! invocation site.
  • Creates an index with the name index_name and type index_type, on a product of the given columns in col_ids in the table identified by table_id.
  • Deletes all rows in the table identified by table_id where the column identified by col_id matches the byte string, in WASM memory, pointed to at by value.
  • Deletes those rows, in the table identified by table_id, that match any row in relation.
  • Queries the table_id associated with the given (table) name where name points to a UTF-8 slice in WASM memory of name_len bytes.
  • Inserts a row into the table identified by table_id, where the row is read from the byte slice row in WASM memory, lasting row_len bytes.
  • Finds all rows in the table identified by table_id, where the row has a column, identified by col_id, with data matching the byte string, in WASM memory, pointed to at by val.
  • Drops the entire registered iterator with the index given by iter_key. The iterator is effectively de-registered.
  • Advances the registered iterator with the index given by iter_key.
  • Start iteration on each row, as bytes, of a table identified by table_id.
  • Like _iter_start, start iteration on each row, as bytes, of a table identified by table_id.
  • Schedules a reducer to be called asynchronously at time.
  • End a timing span.
  • Begin a timing span.