Module openbook::signature

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Functionality for public and private keys.



  • A vanilla Ed25519 key pair
  • NullSigner - A Signer implementation that always produces Signature::default(). Used as a placeholder for absentee signers whose ’Pubkey` is required to construct the transaction
  • A Signer implementation that represents a Signature that has been constructed externally. Performs a signature verification against the expected message upon sign() requests to affirm its relationship to the message bytes




  • The EncodableKey trait defines the interface by which cryptographic keys/keypairs are read, written, and derived from sources.
  • The EncodableKeypair trait extends EncodableKey for asymmetric keypairs, i.e. have associated public keys.
  • The SeedDerivable trait defines the interface by which cryptographic keys/keypairs are derived from byte seeds, derivation paths, and passphrases.
  • The Signer trait declares operations that all digital signature providers must support. It is the primary interface by which signers are specified in Transaction signing interfaces
