Module crypt_guard::cryptography

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Cryptographic related functionalitys, enums structs and modules


  • The hmac module provides functionality for generating, managing, and verifying digital hmacs, supporting various algorithms including post-quantum secure schemes.


  • Represents the AES cipher for encryption and decryption processes. It holds cryptographic information and a shared secret for operations.
  • Represents the ChaCha cipher for encryption and decryption processes. It includes cryptographic information, a nonce for the operation, and a shared secret.
  • Contains information necessary for performing cryptographic operations, including the content to be encrypted or decrypted, a passphrase, metadata defining the operation context, and a flag indicating whether the content should be saved securely.
  • Holds metadata for cryptographic operations, specifying the process, encryption type, key encapsulation mechanism, and content type.


  • Enumerates the types of content that can be encrypted or decrypted, such as messages or files.
  • Enumerates the cryptographic mechanisms supported, such as AES and XChaCha20.
  • Enumerates the key encapsulation mechanisms supported, such as Kyber1024.
  • Enumerates the cryptographic processes, such as encryption and decryption.