Crate stakker

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license:MIT/Apache-2.0  github:uazu/stakker

Stakker is a lightweight low-level single-threaded actor runtime. It is designed to be layered on top of whatever event source or main loop the user prefers to use. Asynchronous calls are addressed to individual methods within an actor, rather like Pony behaviours. All calls and argument types are known and statically checked at compile-time giving the optimiser a lot of scope. Stakker also provides a timer queue for timeouts or delayed calls, a lazy queue to allow batching recent operations, and an idle queue for running a call when nothing else is outstanding.

By default Stakker uses unsafe code for better time and memory efficiency. However if you prefer to avoid unsafe code, then enable the no-unsafe feature which compiles the whole crate with forbid(unsafe_code). Safe alternatives will be used, at some cost in time and memory. There are other features that provide finer-grained control (see below).

See the Stakker Guide and Design Notes for additional documentation.

§Overview of types

Actor and ActorOwn are ref-counting references to an actor. Create an actor with actor! and call it with call!.

Fwd and Ret forward data to another destination asynchronously, typically to a particular entry-point in a particular actor. So Fwd and Ret instances take the role of callback functions. The difference between them is that Fwd may be called multiple times, is ref-counted for cheap cloning and is based on a Fn with Copy, whereas Ret can be used only once, is based on FnOnce and is a “move” value. Also the Ret end-point is informed if the Ret instance is dropped without sending back a message, for example if a zombie actor is called. See the fwd_*! and ret_*! macros for creation of instances, and fwd! and ret! to make use of them.

Stakker is the external interface to the runtime, i.e. how it is managed from the event loop, or during startup.

Cx is the context passed to all actor methods. It gives access to methods related to the actor being called. It also gives access to Core.

Core is the part of Stakker which is accessible to actors during actor calls via Cx. Both Stakker and Cx references dereference to Core and can be used wherever a Core ref is required.

Share allows a mutable structure to be shared safely between actors, a bit like IPC shared-memory but with guaranteed exclusive access. This may be used for efficiency, like shared-memory buffers are sometimes used between OS processes.

Deferrer allows queuing things to run from Drop handlers or from other places in the main thread without access to Core. All actors have a built-in Deferrer which can be used from outside the actor.

For interfacing with other threads, PipedThread wraps a thread and handles all data transfer to/from it and all cleanup. Channel allows other threads to send messages to an actor. Waker is a primitive which allows channels and other data transfer to the main thread to be coordinated. See here for more details.


A significant aim in the development of Stakker was to be lightweight and to minimize overheads in time and memory, and to scale well. Another significant aim was to be “as simple as possible but no simpler”, to try to find an optimal set of types and operations that provide the required functionality and ergonomics and that fit the Rust model, to make maximum use of the guarantees that Rust provides.

By default Stakker uses TCell or TLCell for zero-cost protected access to actor state, which also guarantees at compile-time that no actor can directly access any other actor.

By default a cut-down ref-counting implementation is used instead of Rc, which saves around one usize per Actor or Fwd instance.

With default features, only one thread is allowed to run a Stakker instance, which enables an optimisation which uses a global variable for the Deferrer defer queue (used for drop handlers). However if more Stakker instances need to be run, then the multi-thread or multi-stakker features cause it to use alternative implementations.

All deferred operations, including all async actor calls, are handled as FnOnce instances on a queue. The aim is to make this cheap enough so that deferring something doesn’t have to be a big decision. Thanks to Rust’s inlining, these are efficient – the compiler might even choose to inline the internal code of the actor call into the FnOnce, as that is all known at compile-time.

By default the FnOnce queue is a flat heterogeneous queue, storing the closures directly in a byte Vec, which should give best performance and cache locality at the cost of some unsafe code. However a fully-safe boxed closure queue implementation is also available.

Forwarding handlers (Fwd) are boxed Fn instances along with a ref-count. Return handlers (Ret) are boxed FnOnce instances. Both typically queue a FnOnce operation when provided with arguments. These are also efficient due to inlining. In this case two chunks of inlined code are generated for each by the compiler: the first which accepts arguments and pushes the second one onto the queue.

If no inter-thread operations are active, then Stakker will never do locking or any atomic operations, nor block for any reason. So the code can execute at full speed without triggering any CPU memory fences or whatever. Usually the only thing that blocks would be the external I/O poller whilst waiting for I/O or timer expiry. When other threads have been started and they defer wake-ups to the main thread, this is handled as an I/O event which causes the wake flags to be checked using atomic operations.

§Cargo features

Cargo features in Stakker do not change Stakker’s public API. The API stays the same, but the implementation behind the API changes.

Also, cargo features are additive. This means that if one crate using Stakker enables a feature, then it is enabled for all uses of Stakker in the build. So when features switch between alternative implementations, enabling a feature has to result in the more tolerant implementation, because all users of the crate have to be able to work with this configuration. This usually means that features switch from the most efficient and restrictive implementation, to a less efficient but more flexible one.

So using the default features is the best choice unless you have specific requirements. When a crate that uses Stakker doesn’t care about whether a feature is enabled or not, it should avoid setting it and leave it up to the application to choose.

Features enabled by default:

Optional features:

  • no-unsafe-queue: Disable the fast FnOnce queue implementation, which uses unsafe code. Uses a boxed queue instead.

  • no-unsafe: Disable all unsafe code within this crate, at some cost in time and memory.

  • multi-thread: Specifies that more than one Stakker will run in the process, at most one Stakker per thread. This disables some optimisations that require process-wide access.

  • multi-stakker: Specifies that more than one Stakker may need to run in the same thread. This disables optimisations that require either process-wide or thread-local access.

  • inline-deferrer: Forces use of the inline Deferrer implementation instead of using the global or thread-local implementation. Possibly useful if thread-locals are very slow.

  • logger: Enables Stakker’s core logging feature, which logs actor startup and termination, and which allows macros from the stakker_log crate to log with actor context information. See Stakker::set_logger.

These are the implementations that are switched, in order of preference, listing most-preferred first:

§Cell type

  • TCell: Best performance, but only allows a single Stakker per process

  • TLCell: Best performance, but uses thread-locals at Stakker creation time and only allows a single Stakker per thread

  • QCell: Allows many Stakker instances per thread at some cost in time and memory


  • Global deferrer: Uses a global variable to find the Deferrer

  • Thread-local deferrer: Uses a thread-local to find the Deferrer, with safe and unsafe variants

  • Inline deferrer: Keeps references to the Deferrer in all places where it is needed, with safe and unsafe variants. In particular this adds a usize to all actors.

§Actor ref-counting

  • Packed: Uses a little unsafe code to save a usize per actor

  • Standard: Uses std::rc::Rc

§Call queues

  • Fast FnOnce queue: Appends FnOnce closures directly to a flat memory buffer. Gives best performance, but uses unsafe code.

  • Boxed queue: Stores closures indirectly by boxing them


Stakker has unit and doc tests that give over 90% coverage across all feature combinations. These tests also run cleanly under valgrind and MIRI. In addition there are some fuzz tests and stress tests under extra/ that further exercise particular components to verify that they operate as expected.

§Tutorial example

// An actor is represented as a struct which holds the actor state
struct Light {
    start: Instant,
    on: bool,

impl Light {
    // This is a "Prep" method which is used to create a Self value
    // for the actor.  `cx` is the actor context and gives access to
    // Stakker `Core`.  (`CX![]` expands to `&mut Cx<'_, Self>`.)
    // A "Prep" method doesn't have to return a Self value right away.
    // For example it might asynchronously attempt a connection to a
    // remote server first before arranging a call to another "Prep"
    // function which returns the Self value.  Once a value is returned,
    // the actor is "Ready" and any queued-up operations on the actor
    // will be executed.
    pub fn init(cx: CX![]) -> Option<Self> {
        // Use instead of Instant::now() to allow execution
        // in virtual time if supported by the environment.
        let start =;
        Some(Self { start, on: false })

    // Methods that may be called once the actor is "Ready" have a
    // `&mut self` or `&self` first argument.
    pub fn set(&mut self, cx: CX![], on: bool) {
        self.on = on;
        let time = - self.start;
        println!("{:04}.{:03} Light on: {}", time.as_secs(), time.subsec_millis(), on);

    // A `Fwd` or `Ret` allows passing data to arbitrary destinations,
    // like an async callback.  Here we use it to return a value.
    pub fn query(&self, cx: CX![], ret: Ret<bool>) {
        ret!([ret], self.on);

// This is another actor that holds a reference to a Light actor.
struct Flasher {
    light: Actor<Light>,
    interval: Duration,
    count: usize,

impl Flasher {
    pub fn init(cx: CX![], light: Actor<Light>,
                interval: Duration, count: usize) -> Option<Self> {
        // Defer first switch to the queue
        call!([cx], switch(true));
        Some(Self { light, interval, count })

    pub fn switch(&mut self, cx: CX![], on: bool) {
        // Change the light state
        call!([self.light], set(on));

        self.count -= 1;
        if self.count != 0 {
            // Call switch again after a delay
            after!(self.interval, [cx], switch(!on));
        } else {
            // Terminate the actor successfully, causing StopCause handler to run

        // Query the light state, receiving the response in the method
        // `recv_state`, which has both fixed and forwarded arguments.
        let ret = ret_some_to!([cx], recv_state(self.count) as (bool));
        call!([self.light], query(ret));

    fn recv_state(&self, _: CX![], count: usize, state: bool) {
        println!("  (at count {} received: {})", count, state);

let mut stakker0 = Stakker::new(Instant::now());
let stakker = &mut stakker0;

// Create and initialise the Light and Flasher actors.  The
// Flasher actor is given a reference to the Light.  Use a
// StopCause handler to shutdown when the Flasher terminates.
let light = actor!(stakker, Light::init(), ret_nop!());
let _flasher = actor!(
    Flasher::init(light.clone(), Duration::from_secs(1), 6),

// Since we're not in virtual time, we use `Instant::now()` in
// this loop, which is then passed on to all the actors as
// ``.  (If you want to run time faster or slower you
// could use another source of time.)  So all calls in a batch of
// processing get the same `` value.  Also note that
// `Instant::now()` uses a Mutex on some platforms so it saves
// cycles to call it less often., false);
while stakker.not_shutdown() {
    // Wait for next timer to expire.  Here there's no I/O polling
    // required to wait for external events, so just `sleep`
    let maxdur = stakker.next_wait_max(Instant::now(), Duration::from_secs(60), false);

    // Run queue and timers, false);

§Main loop examples

Note that the 60s duration used below just means that the process will wake every 60s if nothing else is going on. You could make this a larger value.

§Virtual time main loop, no I/O, no idle queue handling

let mut now = Instant::now();, false);
while stakker.not_shutdown() {
    now += stakker.next_wait_max(now, Duration::from_secs(60), false);, false);

§Real time main loop, no I/O, no idle queue handling, false);
while stakker.not_shutdown() {
    let maxdur = stakker.next_wait_max(Instant::now(), Duration::from_secs(60), false);
    std::thread::sleep(maxdur);, false);

§Real time I/O poller main loop, with idle queue handling

This example uses MioPoll from the stakker_mio crate.

let mut idle_pending =, false);
while stakker.not_shutdown() {
    let maxdur = stakker.next_wait_max(Instant::now(), Duration::from_secs(60), idle_pending);
    let activity = miopoll.poll(maxdur)?;
    idle_pending =, !activity);

The way this works is that if there are idle queue items pending, then next_wait_max returns 0s, which means that the poll call only checks for new I/O events without blocking. If there are no new events (activity is false), then an item from the idle queue is run.

§Why the name Stakker?

“Single-threaded actor runtime” → STACR → Stakker. The name is also a small tribute to the 1988 Humanoid track “Stakker Humanoid”, which borrows samples from the early video game Berzerk, and which rolls along quite economically as I hope the Stakker runtime also does.


  • Auxiliary types that are not interesting in themselves
  • Cross-thread support
  • Support code for asynchronous tasks


  • Shorthand for context argument type
  • Create a new actor and initialise it
  • Create a new actor in an ActorOwnSlab
  • Create a new actor
  • Create a new actor that implements a trait and initialise it
  • After a delay, perform an actor call or inline code
  • At the given Instant, perform an actor call or inline code
  • Queue an actor call or inline code for execution soon
  • Indicate failure of the actor
  • Forward data via a Fwd instance
  • Create a Fwd instance which performs an arbitrary action
  • Create a Fwd instance which does nothing at all
  • Create a Fwd instance which panics when called
  • Create a Fwd instance for actor calls
  • Perform an actor call or inline code when the thread becomes idle
  • Kill an actor
  • Lazily perform an actor call or inline code
  • Synchronously query an actor for information
  • Return data via a Ret instance
  • Create a Ret instance which performs an arbitrary action
  • Create a Ret instance that terminates this actor with failure
  • Create a Ret instance that passes through actor failure
  • Create a Ret instance which does nothing at all
  • Create a Ret instance which panics when called
  • Create a Ret instance which shuts down the event loop
  • Create a Ret instance which performs an arbitrary action, ignoring drops
  • Create a Ret instance for actor calls, ignoring drops
  • Create a Ret instance for actor calls
  • Indicate successful termination of the actor
  • Create or update a “Max” timer
  • Create or update a “Min” timer




  • Trait used when visiting all the log-record’s key-value pairs

Type Aliases§

  • Logging span identifier